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Business Bitesize Breakthroughs

Work Smarter With Lean

What are the practical, proven insights on how you and your business can work smarter and, as a result, improve your profitability? Let’s turn to the world’s most successful car manufacturer for inspiration.

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Business Sprinters Win

Here’s how to quickly and successfully tackle the biggest challenges and opportunities facing your business…
Consider your biggest challenge or opportunity… Are you doing enough to deal with it successfully? What do you think? What is your real challenge – people issues or system issues?

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Build Your Value Equation

Improve your value equation and people will be willing to pay you more, your business will be more profitable and your future success will be more secure. Fail to improve your value equation and you’ll experience price pressure, lost profits and an uncertain business future.

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Improve Employee Engagement

How do you turn stressed, disengaged employees into an engaged and productive team?
Let’s say you’ve recently visited two restaurants. One waiter provides such great service that you can’t wait to return. The waiter in the other restaurant is slow, forgets your order and doesn’t really care. What’s really happening here?

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Goal Setting Works

You sidestep second-rate results when you use the science of goal setting…
It’s frustrating when you achieve less than you believe you should. But are you doing enough to help yourself? Are you making the most of the hard science of goal setting to help yourself and your people?

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Crucial Moments Decide

Your business success hangs on your ability to handle highstakes, high-emotion conflict conversations…
In business, as in life, there are a handful of moments when your actions will profoundly affect the results you achieve and the quality of the relationships you experience.

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Simplify and Win Big

Two proven pathways to a profoundly profitable business – which will you take?
It’s easy to dismiss the two proven paths to a profitable and successful business. It’s easy because the companies who’ve taken up these pathways are global giants now. However, these businesses were anything but giants when they started.

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High Impact

Model the behaviours of highimpact people and secure a brighter future for your own business…
You’d like to think that companies such as NASA, Google, Adobe, LinkedIn and Salesforce have worked out how to recruit and develop high-impact people in their businesses.
They have…

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Psychological Safety

What does it take to build (or weaken) an enthusiastic, motivated and high-performing workforce? Project Aristotle, a multi-year study of 180 teams at Google, was formed to determine the factors involved in why and how some teams are effective and some are not.

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